Thursday, March 3, 2016

Video: Alexander the Great The Man Behind the Legend

 - June 323
 - Alexander was born in 356 BCE, Philip the second is his father, Philip the second have scars all over his face and he also don't have right eyes.
 - Alexander learnt military training and leadership from his dad
 - Olympius is Alexander's mother. She drink a lot.
 - Dionysus the God of wine and celebration
 - alexander was 3 years away and his father married another young woman and had a son.
 - Philip was killed but don't know who was the person who really want him to die.
 - Alexander became the king when he was 20
 - a lot of people think Alexander was too young so Alexander killed then all.
 - Alexander fought Troy first then to Issus (where Darius ran away)
 - Darius the third ran away for the first time
 - They killed 15,000 people a day
 - calisthenes, people who especially write down about Alexander's greatness
 - 7,000 killed 30,000 slave (tire city)
 - Alexander killed every male in the town

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