Thursday, February 4, 2016

Class Note (Feb 4th)

Clash of the tyrant
 - Hippias was a tyrant who ruled from 527 to 510 BCE
 - his brother was murdered, his rule became harsh
 - he was expelled from Athens (called being ostracized)
 - he began working with the Persian King Darius 1, helping them invade Marathon
 - with Hippies gone, Isagoras and Cleisthenes (both were aristocrats) engaged in a power struggle
 - Isagoras  had support from some follow aristocrats, plus from Sparta
 - Cleisthenes had support of the majority of Athenians

Isagoras wins
 - Isagoras became tyrant
 - he ostracize Cleisthenes
 - Cleithenes' supports - and the odinary Athenian citizens revolt against Isagoras' tyrant
 - they trap Isagoras on the acropolis for two days - on the third day he fled and was banished (508 BCE)

Cleisthenes and Democracy
 - Cleisthenes - definitely a member of the elite
 - very rich
 - insulated from the "hoi polli"
 - but...a crafty politician
 - he sae the value of the middle class citizens (talented, intelligence, energies)

The Fighting Spartans
 - Greeks were certainly a warlike people - especially the Spartans
 - Spartans were know for their tough, ruthless infantry: soldiers who fought on land
 - Spartans boys trained started when they were 7
 - REAL Spartans were really fearsome people

A naval power
 - Athens had a great infantry, too, but nothing could compare with their navy
 - most effective weapons was trireme
 - a technological marvol
 - fastest ship
 - rowed up to 170 people

The Phalanx
 - Close-rank, dense grouping of warriors
 - armed with long spears and interlocking shields
 - advance slowly toward the enemy until they broke through their ranks

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